Framleiðsla og árangur
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Framleiðsla og árangur

The outcomes that the NESET project seeks to achieve fall into the following categories:

Improved employment situation of NEETs

Increased participation in education and training of former NEETs

Innovative approaches on lowering
youth unemployment

Increased transnational cooperation on labour market issues

The foreseen NESET activities will produce outputs in the following categories

A) Increased understanding of:

  • NEETs’ tourism-related and social skills deficiencies;
  • skills mismatches and workforce shortages in the tourism sector.

B) Increased participation in education and training and improved employment situation of NEETs:

  • increased level of: social skills and tourism-related employability and entrepreneurial skills;
  • increased visibility and recognition of prior non-formal and informal tourism-related learning outcomes;
  • increased level of job-search and entrepreneurial activity.

C) Innovative transnationally-based approaches and services for lowering youth unemployment through:

  • employment for former NEETs through pilot job-placement mobilities and increased opportunities for successful start-ups in the (alternative) tourism sector;
  • mainstreaming the efforts of policy makers for enhancing the tourism sector’s role for labour market integration of youth.